Friday, April 30, 2010

Starbucks Product Concept II

Starbucks has nationally and internationally changed the minds of many cost cautious consumers. Starbucks persuasive labeling intrigues this consumers because not only will they receive the luxury coffee but at times discounted. Although, Starbucks has many competitors, McDonald's, Dunk in Donuts, etc: Starbucks still manages to present itself in the category of an speciality product.

As Starbucks continues to expand globally, it keeps the Starbucks brand name. Starbucks continues to use product modification to appeal to global market. In japan and china, new snacks were created and drinks undergo style modification. Starbucks Coffee jelly and Green tea Frapps are apart of Starbucks many product line extensions. For each product mix starbucks has a different marketing strategy depending on the country.

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